May 07, 2016
Eat organic, don’t eat organic. Only eat certain foods organic. Why does it matter? Why should I care? It’s way to confusing. For a long time now this debate has been going on. There seems to be studies to support whichever side of the fence you are standing on. Key elements to keep in mind when looking at these studies though is who funded it and what kind of soil was being used for the studies. I get asked about whether eating organic really is that crucial all the time and here’s my answer.
Its really quite simple; yes, it is crucial. You want to eat organic to obtain higher nutrient density and ingest less harmful and toxic chemicals. First off let’s stick with the soil topic. Food whether organic or not that’s grown in depleted soil is not going to have a large nutrient profile, period. Organic food is typically grown in systems that nurture the soil and care for it so that it contains micronutrients and healthy microbes. As a result, organic produce will tend to be more nutritious than its conventional counterparts.
High-quality soil is crucial to grow nutrient-dense plants. Tragically though, most of our soil is being significantly damaged, thanks to modern farming methods. For example, tilling has been a common practice for years and thought to be beneficial to the soil and growing. In reality it is probably one of the most destructive aspects of modern-day industrial agriculture as it causes erosion, disrupts and destroys soil biology.
What this destruction of soil biology means is that it destroys the good bacteria that is needed for healthy soil and plant growth. The action of tilling destroys important soil fungi that attach themselves to the roots of plants. Their thread-like filaments connect the plants together in an underground web that can stretch over long distances, forming a virtual “plant Internet,” and through this plant communication takes place. I love that they can “talk” to each other this way! Such an intricate system. Tilling destroys this line of communication thereby weakening the plants and making them less resistant to disease. No till also increases earthworm populations which are needed for healthy soil. Their castings and secretions are very nutrient dense and feed the plants.
Other important factors for soil health are crop diversification and cover cropping. If you think about native plant life, its diversity is what makes it so successful. Therefore mimicking that in the area you are trying to grow in will support success. By using different plant species the life of the soil gets extended because it is being fed.
Less Chemicals And Toxins
Notice I said less chemicals and toxins. The truth of the matter is in this day and age it is almost impossible to completely avoid ingesting chemicals. The goal is to consume as less as possible. There is no such thing as “safe” chemicals and don’t let anyone try and convince you otherwise.
Conventional agriculture is heavily dependent on synthetic pesticides, whereas organic standards prohibit their use. You could reason then that eating organic foods would expose you to less harmful chemicals and for the most part it does. Exposing yourself to lower amounts of toxic chemicals results in improved health. A key aspect of eating healthy and living healthy in general is the absence of chemicals in food, products used around the house and on your body.
Organophosphates are among the most commonly used in conventional agriculture and according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 75 percent of the US population has detectable levels of OPs in their urine. Unless you’re a farmer, or live near one, your diet is one of the most likely sources of exposure.
As reported in Time Magazine:
Organophosphates have been shown to be toxic to the nervous system in people who are exposed to them directly. Breathing OPs can cause immediate acute adverse effects (headaches, dizziness, weakness, nausea, difficulty breathing). Long-term exposure can cause a range of neurological effects including memory loss, anxiety, and depression. Prenatal and childhood exposure has been shown to harm developing brains and result in lowered IQ and other cognitive problems. These effects have been studied primarily in farmworkers and their families and others living in agricultural communities and elsewhere that OPs have been used.
Exposure and ingestion through your food is going to cause similar health issues over time as breathing or inhaling them. Silent Springs Institute developed a free mobile app called Detox Me to help protect consumers from household products laden with toxic chemicals. I’ve just downloaded it and only played with it a little bit but the food and drink category has some great tips and helpful information. Since I haven’t used it for an extended time I can’t really give an opinion on it but if it does what it says, it could prove to be a great navigation tool to decreasing chemical exposure in all areas of life. You can read more about it here on Huffpost Tech.
Ideally what you are supporting through eating organic foods and using organic products is to increase your nutrient intake and expose yourself to less harmful chemicals. I’ve seen the results working with clients too. Many have come to me with health issues involving digestion, high cholesterol, heart issues, sugar imbalances, hormone imbalances and many have reversed their health issues by just switching to all organic, whole, traditional foods and nothing else. I’ve seen many loose weight just by switching to organic, live food. And of course removing processed sugar laden foods, sodas and so on.
Besides yourself, the earth and the environment benefit too from your choices. If you desire to live life with boundless energy, youthful vitality free of disease or illness then eating organic and using organic products is a crucial element. There are so many more pieces to this discussion and I will save those for another time. In the meantime think about the choices you make and how they affect you, your children and this earth we call home.
Live Vibrantly!
ps. Curious to know more about how to get the most nutrients from your food? Then I invite you to check out my book: “Live Vibrantly! 10 Steps to Maintain Youthfulness, Increase Energy and Restore Your Health”. Go here for more information and how to get your copy plus a free bonus.